Saturday, May 18, 2019

Tips & Tricks to Tracking Your German Russia Ancestors...Tip # 9 LEAVE A TRAIL

Every journey comes to an end.  And, we have finally reached our last Tip for Tracking our German Russian Ancestors. While is it last, it clearly is not least, as you can follow all of previous tips and tricks, but if you pass on number nine, your accomplishments could be for nought. It's critical to Leave a Trail.

I originally gave the "Tips & Tricks" presentation at the Gilbert Regional Library on January 12, 2019.  Posting each tip and trick on my blog is one of the ways I like to leave a trail.

Yet, there are as many ways of Leaving A Trail as there are of doing genealogical research.  And, that's what makes it so fun because you can choose the way you want to Leave a Trail.  Here are just a few options:

  • Write your Memoir or write a a memoir for a family member
  • Gather family recipes and publish Cookbooks
  • Write a Family History Book
  • Use Oral or written Storytelling to share your history
  • Write articles for publication in the AHSGR Journal or GRHS Heritage Review
  • Create an online family tree or website
  • Set periodic goals for yourself to contribute to the history
  • What ways would you add to this list?  Let me know, would love to hear your creative thoughts...

One factor to consider when leaving a trail is, how organized is your research?  Will others know what it is?  Or, does it look like something ready for the dumpster?

Remember during Tip # 2 Choose Your Path we discussed using a Research Log. If it doesn't sound familiar, step back to Tip # 2  to determine how you can have on-going, organized success by documenting your progress.  With an up to date log, others will know where your research stopped, what needs to be done next, and which items need citations and documentation.

One of the biggest decisions you need to make is when Leaving a Trail is, who can you trust to carry on your research and family history?

This is quite a personal decision, and your choice should be considered carefully over time.  

Here are some questions to ponder as you make your decisions:

  • Is there a family member who will carry on the research? 
  • Who would best continue the story?
  • Who can you trust to carry on the family history?
  • And, if there is not a family member who shares your passion to follow through on your research, are there any others who will?
  • Would a donation to an association, to a village coordinator or to a designated family member or friend suit your wishes?
  • What if something changes for your designated genealogical heir? What is the back up plan?

It's important to be thoughtful about all options, discuss your intentions with your family and get their input. When you have made your decision, share your plans with family and leave written directions in your estate plan.

Keep in mind the famous words of Lin-Manuel Miranda of Hamilton fame who wrote, "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?" While we all enjoy the genealogical journey, it offers great satisfaction to know that the investigation and your story goes on.

So, as I close the tips and tricks blog series, you might wonder, which of the nine tips is the most important? While you may find that one tip or another is more important during different phases of your research, not any one of these tips is more important than another. All are important to keep in mind as you research your family, from:
Thank you for joining me on my genealogical journey. Hope to see you in Lincoln, Nebraska this summer.  

©2019 Anna Dalhaimer Bartkowski

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Dead Reckoning, New Web site, and New Blog

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