I hope all of you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I know I did. Ashley, Becky, Jason and Watson and I had a fabulous day together. Getting us all in the same place at the same time is rare so I truly appreciated it.
This is my last day off for Christmas vacation and there are many things I still want to accomplish today: organize finances, clean a few rooms, relax, read, write and prepare some presentations. Will i get it all done? I doubt it, but it doesn't bother me. I will take it in stride.
I know I will get to the essentials and I am fortunate to have a four day weekend around New Year's Day. And, that is when I will really cross items off my to do list. Here are the top family history things I want to do today:
1) Make my hotel reservations for the AHSGR annual convention in Salt Lake City for next year.
2) Review my three workshops for January...one at Changing Hands Bookstore and two at the Family History Expo in Mesa.
3) Play with my new Kindle (thank you, Becky) and see what family history books I can download.
If you feel like me and don't want to accomplish everything on your family history list today, start to make some plans for the New Year. We have all of 2011 ahead of us and if we set our sights now, think of what we can accomplish, hour by hour, day by day.
And, don't forget if you want to win free tickets to attend the two day Family History Expo in Mesa, send me your best genealogical or family history story of 400 words or less. Photographs and/or scanned documents are welcome to tell your story.
Entries will be posted to this blog and a winner selected on January 2, 2o11. Please email your story to amb0457@cox.net with "I want to Attend the Arizona Family History Expo" in the subject line.
And, have a relaxing, restful and blessed day after Christmas.