Much of my inspiration is gone today. My mother passed away today at 11:50 a.m. Arizona time. She was the heart behind my first book Value Meals on the Volga.
It's not that I was surprised as my journey with her included three hospital visits and two stays in a skilled nursing center. I know she is in a better place and, by this point, my Dad has welcomed her and is showing her the sites.
How can I capture all of the memories in this short blog? There is no way to accomplish it. Still I want to start to try. I am sure I will have many more updates over the next few weeks but the moments which register with me today and the things I will miss the most are:
*Going to the library with her every weekend
*Knowing my dishwasher was already emptied for me
*My Mom standing over my shoulder in the kitchen supervising as I made some of our favorite recipes
*When she asked me "aren't you going to put that in a smaller container?"
*Or, when I asked her if she would like popcorn, ice cream or some treat, her response was "What are you having?"
*Trading "Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit" comments on the first day of the month
*When she would ask "Is it spicy?"
*Word search puzzles
*and, last but not least, her description of "steak on a hard roll with butter. You know they don't make them like that anymore."
They sure don't. Thanks, Mom for everything and thanks for letting me be with you during the past six months.