Next Saturday I will join the Scottsdale Women Writer's Society at a book signing event at Pages Bookstore in Cave Creek, Arizona. The day technically falls in November, yet it is a great way to close out family history month with a bang. During my presentation, I will share ideas to inspire you to build your family history. I will sign Value Meals on the Volga, Maggie Visits Grandpa and Thirty Years in the Desert. Free giveaways, too!
Pages is one of those rare, independent bookstores which offers new, used and rare collectible books. For more details, visit their site at http://www.pagesnewandrare.com/.
Seven other authors from the society will be at this event including:
•Patricia L. Brooks, www.plbrooks.com, Gifts of Sisterhood
•Kebba Buckley, www.kebba.com, Discover the Secret Energized You
•Dana Davis, www.danadaviswriting.com, Desert Magic
•Lilia Fallgatter, www.lovingletter.com, The Most Important Letter you will ever Write
•Barbara Levy, www.barbaralevy.com, Mexican Strawberries
•Marilyn McGrath, www.marilynmcgrath.com, All you know on Earth
•Fairlee Winfield, www.fairleewinfield.com, Buffaloed
Be sure to stop at Pages next Saturday and get a jump on your holiday shopping!
WHEN: Saturday, November 1st - from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Pages Bookstore – 7100 E. Cave Creek Rd., 480-575-7220