I started my day quietly avoiding my laptop. I rejoiced at my reserve. I sipped my coffee and read one of my Christmas gifts, the new Shirley MacLaine book, Sage-ing while Age-ing. http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/. As the proud owner of all of Shirley's previous books, I was delighted to sit back and start her latest venture. Her insight on the interconnectedness and synchronicity of life mirror my unexpressed thoughts. More on the book another day.
As a break from my book, I succumbed to check my email. This quote by Joan Hiatt Harlow was my daily quote from NAWW.
"Talent is one thing, the drive to express it another."
The quote certainly spoke to me. How many people say they could do so and so, but can't find the time? Don't we all have 24 hours in a day? Why do some people accomplish it, while others shrug it off? The drive and the choice to express is the key.
Now I was ready to color. (If you are not familiar with the health benefits of coloring, please be sure to review Stop! And smell the crayons at http://members.cox.net/infiniteadventure/STOP.htm)

I choose to color Catherine the Great. I selected my colors carefully from my daughter's new 64 count Crayola box. As I checked the label for the skin tone color I used, I wondered why the color name was so long. It wasn't until I picked out the blue, that I realized why. The crayon was labeled blue, azul and bleu. Not only were the Crayola people wise enough to write the color in English, they included the Spanish and French colors on every crayon.
From a marketing perspective, this is a stroke of genius. Children around the world can learn the basics of a foreign language when they color. Crayola only needs one label to cover three major languages. Crayons manufactured here can be used globally. What a fabulous way to demonstrate international diversity and build interconnectedness. So, as I color my picture of a famous world leader born in Germany, ruled in Russia, I used these colors:
- Hair--Chestnut, Castana, Marron
- Skin--Peach, Durazno, Peche
- Lips-Carnation Pink, Rosado Clavel, Rose Ceillet
- Sash--Pacific Blue, Azula Pacifico, Bleu Pacifique
- Bodice--Purple Mountain Majesty, Montanas purpuras Majestuosas, Majestueuses Montagnes pour pres
- Background-Mauvelous, Malvavilloso, Mauveilleux
If that does not give one a sense of interconnectedness, what does? Something as simple as a crayon expresses what we often forget. It is a small, interconnected world.
One more check on the email. My other quote for the day has arrived.
The purpose in life, then, is not the gratifying of appetites nor of any selfish desires, but it is that the entity, the soul, may make the earth, where the entity finds its consciousness, a better place in which to live. Edgar Cayce Reading 4047-2
Nothing the doctor prescribes could ever be as good as this day.